JW Community Podcast

S06E06 Canadian Class Action

Episode Summary

In this episode we talk to John McKiggan QC, one of the Canadian lawyers working on the $66m class action suit, and also to Tricia Franginha who is bringing her own private case, was one of the women who stood up in the Warwick Protest inside a Kingdom Hall to tell her story, and also appears in the Canadian W5 documentary.

Episode Notes

In this episode we talk to John McKiggan QC, partner of McKiggan Herbert Lawyers and one of the Canadian firms working on the $66m class action suit, and also to Tricia Franginha who is bringing her own private case, was one of the women who stood up in the Warwick Protest inside a Kingdom Hall to tell her story, and also appears in the Canadian W5 documentary.
If you are a Canadian abuse victim of a Jehovahs Witness abuse you can contact a lawyer to talk about either bringing a case of your own or joining the class action at www.JWclaims.ca
You can also contact McKiggan Herbert Lawyers in Canada https://www.apmlawyers.com/
You can read John McKiggans book which is a guide to bringing a sexual abuse claim, 'Breaking the Silence' https://www.apmlawyers.com/consumer-guides/breaking-the-silence-the-survivors-guide-to-sexual-abuse-claims/
You can find Tricia's videos here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdE5tiXC_5IcEFCjRwZM5MA
and the W5 Documentaty here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb3fT5zG0OE