JW Community Podcast

S06E11 In Memory of Eloise Dupuis

Episode Summary

Lara and Louise interview Manon Boyer, the aunty of Eloise Dupuis, who died after refusing a blood transfusion when giving birth to her first baby.

Episode Notes

Listen to the heartbreaking story of Eloise Dupuis, who died after refusing a blood transusion while giving birth to her firsts baby. Suppounded by her husband, father and the hospital liaison committee in the last seven days of her life she was monitored constantly by Jehovahs Witnesses.
Eloise's aunty, Manon Boyer, who was never a Jehovahs Witness, is now a campaigner to raise awareness for what she believes is undue influence on Jehovahs Witnesses when they are at their weakest and most vulnerable, that can ultimately lead to their uneccessary death.